
The "HCI & Health" event will mark the first meeting of the "HCI in Health domain" Working Group supported by the AFIHM (French-speaking Association of Human-Computer Interaction). It aims to bring together for the first time French-speaking researchers working in Human-Computer Interactions (HCI) in the field of Health. The topics will cover both HCI research for the practitioner or the patient (disabled or not) and research in other fields (signal processing, monitoring, etc.) for which the HCI will be important during uses for health.



Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics that can cover the event:

  • New interaction techniques in hospitals
  • Aids to visual impairment
  • HCI and Invasive Disorder of Development
  • HCI and health professionals
  • HCI for rehabilitation
  • HCI for learning in the field of health
  • Medical information visualization techniques 


 Registration is free, but mandatory because number of places is limited.




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